Sauce Servers

Sauce Servers located in Ashburn have <1ms latency to all XC nodes

XolarCollective has partnered with Sauce Servers to provide members high-end VPS' for the running the BOT. Sauce Servers accept Crypto payments and are a great alternate to AWS

You will not need to turn off the Sauce Servers after every mint like you do with AWS as these are a fixed monthly payment

Check out the servers here:


If you are a more casual user and usually only go for 1-4 flip tasks, I would suggest purchasing the 4Core 8GB RAM VPS. Anyone wanting to hit 5+ flip tasks should for for the 8Core 8GB RAM

More experienced users who want optimal performance may wish to go with the 12Core 12GB RAM option.

Make sure your VPS' location is in Ashburn

You can find the discount code and more information in our Discord server

Last updated